Welcome to the Chadwick University Alumni Association Website

Chadwick University was established in 1989 and offered undergraduate and graduate degree programs in business and environmental studies. By 1999 Chadwick University had expanded its offerings to include degree programs in criminal justice and psychology.

As a non-traditional school of higher learning, Chadwick provided its students with the unique opportunity to study in an individualized learning environment. Students were able to begin their program at anytime and complete course work at their own pace.

Chadwick had gained acceptance by several Fortune 500 companies and government agencies as a means for employees to complete their college degree. Tuition reimbursement was also offered by many of these employers.

Traditional institutions began to recognize that there was a great demand for "off-campus" studies. Rapid advances in technology and communications made e-studies a more viable approach to learning advanced subject matter and colleges and universities quickly began marketing their own non-traditional offerings.

Unfortunately, competition in the higher education arena made it difficult for many distance learning schools to compete. Well established academic institutions across the country frowned upon the notion that students could simply acquire knowledge without classroom walls. Bad press circulated about diploma mills and questionable business practices preventing many quality post secondary schools with the opportunity to flourish and succeed.

Chadwick University has now stopped offering the valuable programs it once provided. The academic office in Birmingham, Alabama is closed but the school continues to offer student records and transcript services. Transcript Request Form

Thousands of Chadwick Graduates across the United States now have the opportunity to share their experiences through this website. The purpose of the Chadwick University Alumni Association is to foster a common bond amongst graduates of Chadwick and to educate those in the world of academia that serving four (or even eight) years in a classroom, and paying out (or borrowing) hundreds of thousands of dollars, is not always the best way to acquire an education.

In fact, visit this site often and read the comments and profiles of Chadwick Alumni. You'll be surprised when you see just who graduated from Chadwick University.

Alumni Commentary

See what Chadwick graduates are saying now. More…

Contact Registrar

Contact the Chadwick University Registrar: registrar@chadwick.edu

Transcript Requests

Department of Postsecondary Education
Attn: Closed Private School Transcript
P.O. Box 302130
Montgomery, AL 36130
Transcript Request Form

Chadwick University has implemented new procedures for fulfillment of student records.
Transcript Requests

Recent News

Chadwick University re-emerges as The Chadwick Institute www.chadwick.edu

Chadwick University has implemented new procedures for the fulfillment of student records.
Transcript Requests


Chadwick University gained accreditation on November 1, 2000 with the International Association of Universities and Schools (IAUS). This accreditation ran until November 1, 2003. More…


The Chadwick University Alumni Association is not an entity of Chadwick University or The Chadwick Institute, More…